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Fascinating mechanic facts

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These fascinating mechanic facts may surprise you. These are the people behind some of the greatest inventions in history. These technologies were developed by Newton, Copernicus and Henry Ford. And the list goes on. You might be amazed at how many machines mechanics can repair. Continue reading to find out more fun facts about mechanics. And get inspired to take up a new hobby.


The principles that govern bodies' motion are just a few of the fascinating Newton mechanic facts. In 1687, Newton published his Principia Mathematica which contained the laws and mechanics. These laws are known as the Newtonian Principles and were essential in solving astronomical mysteries. They even defeated the Cartesian theory that vortices were a result of their laws. Newton's theories were a great foundation for many other contributions to theoretical physics.

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Copernicus was not born until the 16th century as many may not realize. This fact makes him an important figure in history. His work is still being studied today. Copernicus is the man who put astronomy first on the map. Copernicus spoke German fluently and was granted an exemption from his formal duties to serve as a medical doctor to his maternal uncle. This allowed him to take on more responsibility than his duties as a physician and personal advisor.

Henry Ford

Henry Ford is the man behind every car. Henry Ford began his career as a pocket watch technician when he was a child. His curiosity about the mechanics of things led him to build and reassemble watches. He would later make his own tools, out of scraps like old nails and the spring steel bones of an old corset. His fascination with mechanics would later lead him to be an inventor of the automobile.

Queen Elizabeth II

You might be curious about the mechanics of monarchy. She's been the queen of England for over 70 years, having become queen at age 25. During her reign as monarch, she's met 14 British prime Ministers and all US presidents since Harry S. Truman. She has also met pop stars of international fame and Olympic athletes.

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Chewbacca’s mechanical skills are amazing for those who love Star Wars. From the original trilogy to the prequels, the droid has been awesome in every appearance. Though "Star Wars" doesn't reveal many details about Chewbacca, these 15 facts will surprise you. Discover more about him. You might not know it, but Chewbacca is a mechanic, and this is why he's so popular.


What is the job description for a mechanic in a car?

Car mechanics can find work in three areas:

  • Automotive repair shops
  • Dealerships
  • Independent garages

Automotive repair shops

Most people think of this as the first step to becoming a mechanic. It's the easiest way for most people to get started. Either work for someone else's shop or you can start your own.

If you are interested in working at a shop you will need to apply for membership to a union. After you are accepted to the union, you will receive training from it.

After the training, you will be ready to go and start your job.

Register with the government if you want to open your garage. After you have registered, you will need to meet certain standards.

When you've registered, you'll be given a license to operate your garage.

Your license allows for minor repairs and spare parts sales. It will not permit you to fix major engine issues.

Apart from selling spare parts, customers will also expect you to provide guidance and advice.

Dealership jobs

Most dealerships employ mechanics who can specialize in a particular area of the car. They may be trained to replace or repair tires, or they may specialize in brakes.

Some dealerships hire general mechanics to handle all aspects of car repair.

Many of these positions require that applicants undergo training before they are allowed to work. This allows employers to pick the right candidates for their jobs.

Some dealerships recruit students right out of school. These graduates have no difficulty learning about cars because they already know the basics and principles of mechanical engineering.

Independent garages

Independent garages are not associated with any one dealership. Instead, they focus on high-quality customer service.

Because independent garages aren't affiliated with any company, they can afford to pay higher wages. This makes them generally more well-paid than jobs at dealerships.

Independent garages don't necessarily make for better work environments. Many owners prefer to control their businesses themselves, rather than delegating it to employees.

It is possible to work long hours, but not have any control over the day.

Additionally, you should expect to earn lower wages if employed by a dealership.

It's possible to switch between jobs. It is possible to switch between different types of jobs if your current employer would prefer you to work at a dealer.

Alternativly, you can apply directly to the garage owner if you are interested in working at an independent garage.

The bad news? Finding a new position isn't always easy. You can earn more depending on many other factors.

For example, the type of vehicle you repair and whether you charge extra for labor.

How can I fix my car as a hobby?

Take up a hobby in car repair if you have an interest. You can repair them, buy their parts, sell them, or just have fun with them. It's a fun hobby that you can do if it interests you.

It's not an easy task to make this a full-time job. It takes dedication and hardwork. It requires a lot investment.

So unless you have a good reason for wanting to get involved with cars, then it might be best to leave it alone.

What's the difference between a mechanic and an automotive technician?

Both are related, but they are not the same. A mechanic repairs cars and an automotive technician performs maintenance.

A mechanic must have good manual dexterity and be able to perform simple tasks quickly. They must also be able to diagnose problems accurately and repair them effectively.

An automotive technician must be more technically proficient than a mechanic. They need to be able use tools such drills and wrenches, and read blueprints.

They must also be able perform complex procedures safely. They must also be familiar with different types of engines and electrical systems.

They must also understand the interplay of different parts.

As a result, mechanics typically make less than technicians. But there are many opportunities for both jobs.

What does it matter which college I attend?

It's not true. There's no difference between colleges regarding getting into the automotive industry. But, there are better programs at some schools than others. Look elsewhere if you want something more niche.


  • There were 749,900 jobs available for automotive service technicians and mechanics in 2016, which is expected to grow by six percent through 2026. (jobhero.com)
  • According to the BLS, total auto technician employment is expected to exceed 705,000 by 2030. (uti.edu)
  • Apprentice mechanics earn significantly less hourly than mechanics who have completed training, with a median wage of approximately $14.50 an hour, according to PayScale. (jobhero.com)

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How To

How to become an automotive technician

An automotive technician performs repairs and maintains vehicles. He/she works at automotive shops, garages or service centers. He/she works with customers to repair their cars and trucks, ATVs or snowmobiles. An automotive technician must be capable of diagnosing problems and making repairs safely, accurately and efficiently.

If you want to be an automotive technician, you need an associate degree from vocational school. After completing this program, he/she will need to pass the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence's (ASE) certification exam. ASE stands in for American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Two sections make up the ASE certification examination. The first section tests your mechanical skills, while the second tests your practical knowledge. You will need to attend an authorized testing site in order to pass the test. These locations can be found online, or by contacting your local car dealer.

After passing the test, a candidate must pass an examination in order to be licensed as an automotive technician. This process can vary depending on where the applicant lives. For example, some states require candidates to attend a training course, while others allow them to study independently. Some states allow technicians to become licensed right away after receiving their license. While others wait until they have had at least six years of experience as an automotive technician.

An applicant should apply to a local auto shop in order to start their career as an automotive technician. Once hired, most new employees start out working as apprentices. Apprenticeship programs typically last three to four years. The apprenticeship program teaches students how to change oil, adjust brakes, replace tires, clean spark plugs, inspect engine compartments, and perform routine maintenance. Advanced repairs can be done by some students, including replacing shocks, installing air filters and repairing engines. Many schools offer classes during regular hours. However, there are some schools that offer evening classes for those who need them.

When a student has completed his/her apprenticeship, they become a journeyman. Journeymen generally spend four- to five decades learning how to fix major systems like transmissions. They also learn to perform complex repairs, such as remanufacturing engines, rebuilding transmissions, and troubleshooting electrical components. Many employers prefer to hire Journeymen because they understand the job well.

Once a candidate passes the required exams and is granted a license, they might consider opening their own shop. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2010, nearly 1.7 Million automotive mechanic jobs were available. This figure is expected to rise 18 percent between 2009-2020. If a candidate decides to open his/her own shop, he/she should prepare to invest many thousands of dollars in equipment and supplies.

The salary of an automotive technician will depend on many factors including where you live, your education level, experience and the type of employer. An average salary for a jobless individual is $20,000 per annum. An individual with a high school diploma can earn about $21,000 per annum. Associate's degrees earn approximately $24,000 per annum. A technician with a bachelor's degree earned approximately $27,000 annually. And those with master's degrees made around $32,000 per year. Salary increases are common so professionals who make less than $30,000 a year could realistically expect to earn $40,000 over the next few years.



Fascinating mechanic facts